Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Category: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Impact My Credit Score in Mississippi?

On Behalf of developers | June 2, 2024 | Bankruptcy,Blog,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

At Pond Law Firm, we’ve been helping individuals and businesses with all aspects of bankruptcy for decades. Over this time, we’ve heard some common questions emerge. Many of these questions revolve around credit scores after bankruptcy, such as, “How much does your credit score drop when you file for bankruptcy?” Or, “How soon will my… Continue reading How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Impact My Credit Score in Mississippi?...
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Moving forward with your Chapter 13 payment plan

On Behalf of developers | March 18, 2022 | Blog,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Mississippi, you will have to undergo a process of documenting your income, debts, and ability to fulfill the terms of a repayment plan. This can take time and requires significant paperwork Complete the means test To determine your qualifications for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you have to… Continue reading Moving forward with your Chapter 13 payment plan...
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How to prepare a Chapter 13 payment plan

On Behalf of developers | September 24, 2021 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal action that involves submitting a plan of repayment with the assistance of a lawyer. If the plan receives court approval and regular payments are made throughout the three to five years, any debts that are leftover are often discharged. When bankruptcy is used properly, it can be a highly… Continue reading How to prepare a Chapter 13 payment plan...
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The automatic stay in personal bankruptcy cases

On Behalf of developers | June 7, 2021 | Bankruptcy,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When Mississippi residents file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petitions, the judge assigned to the case issues a Notice of Filing. This causes an injunction known as an automatic stay to go into effect, which prevents creditors from attempting to collect unpaid debts for the duration of the bankruptcy proceedings. It also puts a… Continue reading The automatic stay in personal bankruptcy cases...
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Am I allowed to leave chapter 13 bankruptcy protection?

On Behalf of developers | April 29, 2021 | Blog,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many adults throughout the nation struggle to keep up with their debts. If you’re living with debt in Mississippi, you can utilize several strategies to resolve this problem. One of the most common ways to become debt-free is by declaring bankruptcy. With that in mind, here’s more information about Chapter 13 bankruptcy and what happens… Continue reading Am I allowed to leave chapter 13 bankruptcy protection?...
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How much income do you need to file for bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | December 15, 2020 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you’re struggling with debt in the state of Mississippi, you might have thought about filing for bankruptcy. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you pay off your debts and get your finances under control. However, Chapter 13 is only available for people who meet certain financial qualifications. Here’s what you need to know… Continue reading How much income do you need to file for bankruptcy?...
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How Chapter 13 bankruptcy works

On Behalf of developers | November 11, 2020 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Debtors in Mississippi may consider bankruptcy when they can no longer handle their debts. Debtors commonly file Chapter 7, a type of bankruptcy that liquidates assets to pay creditors. Certain debts get discharged, and the individuals start fresh. Not all debtors qualify for Chapter 7, so Chapter 13 bankruptcy gives them another option. Basics of… Continue reading How Chapter 13 bankruptcy works...
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How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work during bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | May 21, 2020 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Most individuals considering bankruptcy will either file to Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, although there are many other kinds of available as well. One of the features that set Chapter 13 bankruptcy apart from Chapter 7 is the requirement for filers to complete a repayment plan as part of Chapter 13 proceedings. Those who… Continue reading How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work during bankruptcy?...
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Reviewing the bankruptcy credit counseling requirement

On Behalf of developers | November 30, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

To you, bankruptcy may seem like a fairly “cut-and-dry” process: you file, disclose your debts, and then have them discharged. You likely thought that at no point would you be told that you had to go through credit counseling. Many in Jackson have come to us here at the Pond Law Firm with the same question that… Continue reading Reviewing the bankruptcy credit counseling requirement...
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Options to reduce credit card costs

On Behalf of developers | October 13, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people in Mississippi who find themselves with increasing levels of credit card debt may often wonder how in the world they can eventually make their debt decline instead of continue to grow. Even when making payments every month, interest rates, annual card fees or late fees can counteract their best efforts to get out… Continue reading Options to reduce credit card costs...
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