Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Impact My Credit Score in Mississippi?

On Behalf of developers | June 2, 2024 | Bankruptcy,Blog,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

At Pond Law Firm, we’ve been helping individuals and businesses with all aspects of bankruptcy for decades. Over this time, we’ve heard some common questions emerge. Many of these questions revolve around credit scores after bankruptcy, such as, “How much does your credit score drop when you file for bankruptcy?” Or, “How soon will my… Continue reading How Does Filing for Bankruptcy Impact My Credit Score in Mississippi?...
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Legal Exemptions in Mississippi Bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | April 2, 2024 | Bankruptcy,Blog

If you’re facing bankruptcy in Mississippi, it’s vital to know what items are exempt from being seized during bankruptcy proceedings. Pond Law Firm assists individuals and businesses in working through bankruptcy filings every single day. It is our primary objective to protect as many of your assets as possible and inform you of your rights… Continue reading Legal Exemptions in Mississippi Bankruptcy...
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How to File for Bankruptcy in Mississippi

On Behalf of developers | April 2, 2024 | Bankruptcy,Blog

Pond Law Firm is all about assisting our fellow Mississippi residents in times of financial hardship. We are here to help you work through the process of bankruptcy and pave the  pathway to the fresh financial start you deserve. Knowing what to expect when filing for bankruptcy in Mississippi is a great place to start… Continue reading How to File for Bankruptcy in Mississippi...
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How Much Does It Cost to File Chapter 7 in Mississippi?

On Behalf of developers | March 12, 2024 | Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Claiming bankruptcy in Mississippi can be a complex process, and Pond Law Firm is here for you every step of the way, guiding you through the process to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible. You’ve already got enough on your mind and navigating a complex bankruptcy doesn’t need to be added to your… Continue reading How Much Does It Cost to File Chapter 7 in Mississippi?...
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Do Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers have to sell their property?

On Behalf of developers | June 6, 2023 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

There are different types or chapters of bankruptcy that individuals can file depending on their circumstances. There are certain types of bankruptcy that only apply to businesses and others that are primarily useful for those in specific professions, like farming. For individuals filing for personal bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and 13 proceedings are the most common.… Continue reading Do Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers have to sell their property?...
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What does the automatic stay do in bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | May 13, 2023 | Bankruptcy

People who are drowning in debt often wonder how they’ll make ends meet. Just knowing that they owe money is stressful enough, but having the creditors try to contact them constantly adds more stress. Once someone realizes they need to take the step of filing for bankruptcy, they should learn about the protections that this… Continue reading What does the automatic stay do in bankruptcy?...
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Why do you spend so much on a credit card?

On Behalf of developers | November 28, 2022 | Bankruptcy

When debt gets to be too much, you might start looking at your credit card bills. What you’ll be surprised to find is that you’ve spent more than you thought you did. In fact, this can get to the point where you can’t pay off the card and then you start compounding interest on top… Continue reading Why do you spend so much on a credit card?...
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Why is it typically better to file for bankruptcy sooner?

On Behalf of developers | October 17, 2022 | Bankruptcy

Some people put off filing for bankruptcy because they are scared of the consequences or worried about what others might say. Some delay because they believe they are too busy to make it a priority right now or because they still cannot accept the reality of their situation.   The problem with delaying is that it… Continue reading Why is it typically better to file for bankruptcy sooner?...
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Which bankruptcy process is right for you?

On Behalf of developers | September 29, 2022 | Bankruptcy

You have a lot of debt built up that you’re not sure how to deal with. You may have been able to pay it off slowly at first, but now it’s gotten out of hand. So, what are your options to quickly rid yourself of your debt? Many people file for one of two types… Continue reading Which bankruptcy process is right for you?...
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Are you ready for the emotional impact of bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | September 15, 2022 | Bankruptcy

The decision to file bankruptcy is one that’s usually not made until every other option has been exhausted. Many people think that they will feel an overwhelming relief when they file, but this isn’t always the case. In some instances, negative emotions can occur.  It helps some people to remember that bankruptcy is a legal… Continue reading Are you ready for the emotional impact of bankruptcy?...
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