Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Category: Medical Debt

The problem of being medically underinsured

On Behalf of developers | November 11, 2017 | Medical Debt

Regardless of what your political leanings are, you are likely aware that the Affordable Care Act has resulted in a great number of people in Mississippi and around the country having health insurance. While that may be positive in some ways, it certainly does not mean that health care has truly become affordable for everyone.… Continue reading The problem of being medically underinsured...
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The outlook of medical debt in america

On Behalf of developers | November 2, 2017 | Medical Debt

Student loan debt is not the only type of debt that causes millions of Americans to struggle. According to recent studies, medical debt has skyrocketed for countless individuals — to the point at which many avoid basic health care altogether. But sometimes crucial procedures are compromised. In addition to filing for bankruptcy, some patients experience… Continue reading The outlook of medical debt in america...
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Why does Mississippi lead the nation in medical debt?

On Behalf of developers | October 25, 2017 | Medical Debt

Millions of Americans are living with debt — a debt that can accumulate and linger for decades. When it comes to medical debt specifically, Mississippi leads the rest of the country. Recent news highlights a growing trend in the state’s medical debt, revealing that financial struggles affect some groups more than others. What is the cause of… Continue reading Why does Mississippi lead the nation in medical debt?...
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Tips for paying down unmanageable medical debt

On Behalf of developers | October 5, 2017 | Medical Debt

Many Jackson residents and people throughout Mississippi face medical bills that they simply cannot afford. Even with insurance, medical procedures and ER visits can lead to major debt. Fortunately there are creative options available to help pay down expensive healthcare bills. Check for billing errors Overcharging is a common issue in the healthcare industry. Whether… Continue reading Tips for paying down unmanageable medical debt...
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Medical debt: an end in sight?

On Behalf of developers | August 30, 2017 | Medical Debt

Surgeries often come with a variety of complications, including challenging physical therapy and alternative, doctor-ordered regimens. Yet millions of Americans also face medical debt post-surgery — debt that can linger for years after a medical procedure. This type of financial predicament is no stranger to the state of Mississippi, which is known for having the highest… Continue reading Medical debt: an end in sight?...
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New reporting rule will help with medical debt on credit reports

On Behalf of developers | August 11, 2017 | Medical Debt

Medical debt can hurt almost as much as the condition causing it. As many as 43 million Americans have a medical bill in collections that has negatively affected their credit, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The average amount in question was only $579, compared to $1,000 for non-medical debt. Even with the relatively… Continue reading New reporting rule will help with medical debt on credit reports...
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