Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

Don’t let college debt bury your future

On Behalf of developers | August 1, 2017 | Debt Relief

Going to college is something to be proud of. Continuing your education is important to your future. You plan to study hard and graduate. Your endgame is to get a respectable job in your field. College is also expensive. There are options available to college students who qualify. Some students get scholarships and others get… Continue reading Don’t let college debt bury your future...
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5 bankruptcy myths and misconceptions

On Behalf of developers | May 4, 2017 | Bankruptcy

As debt racks up, you spend more and more time thinking about bankruptcy. You know that something has to happen, and soon. The problem is that you have heard a lot of bankruptcy myths over the years. You do not feel confident about how the process works. You know you have to learn more before… Continue reading 5 bankruptcy myths and misconceptions...
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